About 2 months before we got married back in 2004, we packed up everything and moved to Denver. On 2 weeks notice. So we thought hey, why not do something just as stressful? Let's move less than 2 months before the baby is born! Sure, why not.
Bob was transferred to a course north of Ft. Worth, literally across the street from Texas Motor Speedway. It was a difficult decision for us with me about to pop and LOVING my job at the cruise line. But it's Texas and it's closer to family. It's not San Antonio, but it's close! Kim and Matt, Jeff and Andy will all be within 4-5 hours of us -- faster probably, depending on how fast they're driving. Baby's Francisco grandparents in Kansas will be 8-9 hours away, so this obviously is making them REALLY happy. And Rosalie is in Tulsa (hi Red!), so she now has to pretend she's Rosemarie who promised to be a surrogate Engelman grandma. Sidenote - she said I must be confused, as she's not old enough to be a grandparent. SO funny, since one of my last phone conversations with Dad had him saying the exact same thing. Siblings. :-)
Anyway, this has been extremely stressful to say the least, and it's not done yet, but still tredging along. Bob and I just got back from Texas, where we went so he could meet his staff, owner's representative and boss. While we were there, we found a house to lease in Grapevine (woo hoo!) and meet with my new baby doc. THAT was stressful at first -- try and find a doctor when you'll be 34 weeks preggers when getting into town! Luckily I happen to have a college friend that is an obgyn that actually is in my insurance, and I trust with my life. He very happily took me on as a patient, even with my warnings of fear of needles, blood, and ivs, and my labor/delivery nurse sister who will be in there with us! Both Bob and I feel so much better now.
This next week is going to be interesting, to say the least. One last week in the office (though hopefully not the last of my working for them!!!), and a ton to do! Bob's office is throwing us a baby shower/going away party on Saturday, and then we need to start getting the condo ready for the packers/movers. They come Thursday/Friday, which will be when my office throws us a shower and I have my last day. Bob will drive his car to Texas - mine will be shipped. I'll stay here an extra day and fly there on Sunday the 15th. Furniture should be delivered soon after that, and welcome to Texas!
Tired yet? Me too.
Just wait til we break the news to Orbit... poor little bugger's gonna be in a car for 2 days...